In Little Alchemy 2, one of the most interesting elements you can create is “Life.” Once you establish life, it opens up an entire new set of opportunities, leading to even more interesting combinations. However, the main concern is how to make life in little alchemy 2. If you’re new to Little Alchemy 2, don’t worry! This guide will walk you through all the steps in a clear and simple way, explaining each combination so you can easily follow along.

What is Little Alchemy 2?

Little Alchemy 2 is a puzzle-based game where you combine different elements to create new ones. For example:

  • Combining water with fire creates steam
  • Mixing water with earth forms mud

By combining elements in the right order, you can create complex materials, objects, and even living things.

Starting with the four basic elements

In Little Alchemy 2, you begin with these four basic elements:

  1. Air
  2. Earth
  3. Fire
  4. Water

These building blocks for everything in game. To make life, we will need to combine these elements and slowly work our way up to more complicated combinations. The process may be a bit long, but each step built upon the previous one, leads us closer to creating life!

Let’s break it down step by step.

How to make life in little alchemy 2

1. Create lava

The first step to making life is to create lava. We need to combine earth and fire to create lava. Lava is hot, molten rock that forms when earth and fire mix together. In the game, you can create lava by combining:

Fire + earth = lava

Now, we have lava. Taking this step sets the foundation for the creation of life.

2. Create Stone

Next, we need to make a stone. Lava cools down and turns into stone. When lava cools, it hardens and becomes solid rock, and the same thing happens in the game. Cool the lava and combine it with air:

Lava + air = stone

Now, we have stones. Stone is important for making many other things, including some elements that will help us create life.

3. Create Sand

Now that we have stone, we can make sand. Sand is formed when stone breaks down with time. To make sand, we’ll combine:

Now that you have stone, we can make sand. Sand is formed when stone breaks down over time. To make sand, you’ll combine:

Stone + air = sand

Sand is used to create glass and other elements, but right now, we are on our way to creating life.

4. Create Energy

Energy is the major part of life. Life can not exist without energy, so the next element we need to create is energy. This is the opening move in bringing life into existence. To make energy, combine:

Fire + air = energy

Now we have created energy, an important step toward creating life.

5. Create Mud

Before creating life, the first step is to form mud. Mud is created when water and earth mix together. in real life, mud is a soft and sticky material, and in Little Alchemy 2, it is created with the same way:

Earth + water = mud

Mud plays an important role in the process of life, and we’ll use mud in next steps.

6. Create Clay

The next step is mud turning into clay. Clay is a soft material that is often used for pottery and other creations. It is formed by combining mud and stone:

Mud + stone = clay

Now we have clay. This will be an element needed for future combinations.

7. Create primordial soup

Primordial soap is a mixture of organic molecules in water, which scientists believe was the starting point of life on Earth. To create primordial soup, combine:

Water + earth = puddle

Puddle + puddle = pond

Pond + pond = lake

Lake + lake = sea

Once we have the sea, then combine it with lava to form primordial soup:

Sea + lava = primordial soup

Primordial Soup is important for creating life, and it represents the very beginning of life.

8. Create life

Now we have made primordial soup and energy, the final step to creating life is to combine these two elements. Here is the combination:

Primordial soup + energy = life

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created life in Little Alchemy 2.

What you can do with life

Now that you have made life, you can use it to create many interesting and new elements. Here are few examples:

Life + Earth = Human: This creates a human, which opens up even more combinations.

Life + Clay = Human: Another way to make a human.

Life + metal = robot: Combines life with metal to make a robot.

Life + fire = phoenix: Creates the mythical bird that rises from its ashes.

These are just a few possibilities. Once you have life, you can experiment with different combinations and discover new things. Life is one of the most important elements in Little Alchemy 2 because it unlocks so many other things, like animals, plants and even mythical creatures and ideas.


Creating life in Little Alchemy 2 is a rewarding and interesting process. By following these steps you can easily create a life and unlock a whole new set of possibilities in the game. Whether you are creating humans, animals, plants or even robots, life is the key to many interesting combinations in Little Alchemy 2. Now, you know how to make life, you can continue exploring the game, trying new combinations and discovering all the amazing Little Alchemy 2 has to offer.